Must-Visit Haunted Places in Milwaukee

7 min readOct 8, 2021


Milwaukee, Wisconsin Fanpop. Source:

Milwaukee is considered one of the largest cities in the U.S state of Wisconsin, with approximately 1.6M of the human population. Milwaukee can be found along the shores of Lake Michigan and is known for its popular craft Breweries and the Major League Brewers, but it’s not just all about that. The city is abundant in cultural and historical attractions, making it a perfect place if you want to relax and explore with your friends or family.

One of the things that would entice you to explore the city more is its eye-pleasing architecture. The city of Milwaukee goes through a wide range of weather conditions and temperatures, so it is nice when the architecture reflects the weather. However, like every other place, the city is embodied with several paranormal stories and activities.

If other cities possess ghostly stories, it’s no doubt that Milwaukee has too. After all, there’s a lot of historical buildings built before which were marked by the remnants of the spirits from the past, some of which have caught the attention of both the mass and national media. Listed below are some of the featured breathtaking haunted places in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, that you must give a visit to.

  1. Pfister Hotel
Pfister Hotel, Trip Advisor. Source:

Located along Wisconsin Avenue is the Pfister Hotel which is three blocks away from the famous shore of Lake Michigan. The Pfister family built the hotel and was designed in the early 1890s by the famous architect Henry Koch. This hotel was coined as the “most-lavish” hotel for gaining a four-diamond award.

The Pfister Hotel has ways to exercise the art of providing an impeccable and superb experience to their guests. One thing that will welcome you is their priceless Victorian art collection, which made them a high-maintenance. However, the hotel is also famous for its ghostly phenomena.

Pfister Hotel is coined to be one of the creepiest hotels in the country, and not just by the government, but globally. Most of the statements came from the Major league basketball players saying they had experienced a wide range of paranormal happenings in the hotel. Some also reported that there were electrical abnormalities, objects flying like some psychokinetic activities, and apparitions of an elderly man who was thought to be the hotel owner, Charles Pfister.

Many have also stated that occurrences like pounding on the walls and headboards were heard. People hear eerie voices and whispers from God knows who, and they also experience doors opening or closing on their own. Nonetheless, you should consider going to Pfister Hotel if you have the guts to explore whether the anomalies were true or not, and at the same time, discover the beauty of the hotel.

2. Marquette University

Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI. Source:

We all know that one of the most popular sites for ghost haunting is school because of its historical background. There isn’t a single state in the U.S that does not have paranormal stories about catching something weird in a photograph or some eerie sounds. Some might sound irritating to the ears as fingernails being scratched on a styrofoam — or a marker running out of ink.

When it comes to a good university, Marquette University is number one. Many students are aspiring to be a part of Marquette University for its prestigiousness. Since it’s a private Jesuit university, it is also expected that the cost of studying there is a bit higher, but hey! It is worth every penny. Also, Marquette is consistently ranked as one of the country’s top universities.

Several areas from the University are sought to be haunted. One of the prevalent rumors is the Helfaer Theatre, where students have seen the apparition of the deceased artistic director and heard some unidentified bangings on the catwalks. Next is the Humphrey Hall dorm building, which was once a children’s hospital, where children were caught on CCTV.

Aside from that, a rumor has been circulating at the Johnston Hall, wherein an apparition of a ghost has been seen by many students. The spirit is thought to be a Jesuit priest who committed suicide by falling on the top floor. There are a lot of haunted areas across the University, and if you are brave enough to discover, then the floor is yours!

3. Grant Park

Grant Park Flickr. Source:

Over the years, Grant Park has gained a lot of numerous crimes and suicide, which took place near the Seven Bridges Trail. In 2005, an investigation was done, wherein they discovered a series of chickens without their heads in the exact area. Because of that, this stirred up panic and fear from many locals.

Because of its history, locals have been asking the same question over and over again: “Is it haunted?”. But as we dive into a more in-depth exploration, it was proven to be true. Locals have reported mysterious apparitions, light anomalies, scurried footsteps, and eerie screams in the park, which, personally, has been a paranormal hotspot.

It has also been said that during a full moon, you can summon the spirits in the park just by walking there between the hours of 9 in the evening up to midnight. Also, some stated that they could see an apparition of a woman roaming the park. Many reports have been made by the locals and guests, so if you’re someone who’s into spooky adventures, then Grant Park must surely be one of your top places to go!

4. Calvary Cemetery

The Old Rugged Cross: Calvary Cemetery. Source:

It is undeniable why cemeteries have so many paranormal stories; it is basically the home of every wandering soul. Almost every cemetery in the U.S state and the whole world has caught ghostly sightings and voices. With that being said, one of the urban legends shared across Milwaukee county is the Calvary Cemetery.

Calvary Cemetery was built in the early 1840s which was owned by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York. The first-ever burial happened on July 31, 1848, and was further blessed by Archbishop John Hughes. Also, there are almost 50 new burials a day.

The cemetery serves as the last resting place for the majority of the city’s influential people. Because of that, there is no doubt that the Calvary cemetery is haunted by several spirits. Some motorists reported seeing a person standing exactly on top of a hill which can be found on the southeast edge of the Calvary Cemetery.

There haven’t been any paranormal reports aside from that. Still, being the oldest Roman Catholic cemetery existing in Milwaukee, no one can’t possibly deny the fact that it has a spooky ambiance. It’s already up to you if you’re ready to put up some courage and take some extra steps to make your trip a little spicy.

5. Milwaukee Public Museum

Milwaukee Public Museum plans to build a new $100 million home. Source:

The Milwaukee Public Museum was built in the 1960s along the downtown of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The said museum was actually a non-profit organization chartered by the Milwaukee Public Museum Inc, showing some exhibits that are the museum’s lifeblood. However, it is said to be haunted for several reasons.

Unfortunately, the rumors were proven to be true when some visitors witnessed the scary occurrences most especially on the third floor. Staff also reported that they experienced spine-tingling sensations and petrifying experiences, including the elevators stopping on the third floor despite the lack of human intervention. Some even caught a glimpse of a man wearing a cape, which seems to be the spirit of Borhegyi.

Aside from that, an item at the museum was also claimed to be haunted when one of the guards witnessed a bizarre occurrence. According to her, she saw a massive black hole in the corridor, penetrating through the exhibit’s glass when suddenly, the dark hole rushed into the mummy’s mouth, as if it’s on a multiverse. To put it bluntly, that’s just one of the famous stories circulating around the museum.

6. Pabst Mansion

A Vintage Spring of Cleaning: Preview of Historic Pabst Mansion’s Outdoor Estate Sale. Source:

Almost every one of us dreams of having a mansion and diving across the vastness of the mansion. But what will you do if you find an estate with some spirits living on it instead of peace? Would you still want to stay despite how luxurious and beautiful the interior was?

Pabst Mansion is one of the popular mansions located along Wisconsin Avenue, and it was owned by one of the most prominent and wealthiest men, Beer Baron Frederick Pabst. However, things seemed to turn sour when Pabst’s family died in 1904. Because of that, many ghost stories were reported, and some were even published in the Mansions’ monthly newsletter.

Over the years, numerous people have said that they’ve heard weird noises and felt like someone was staring at them. A former curator has claimed he heard someone’s footsteps near the servant’s stairwell at 7 in the evening.

Brenda Nemetz, and some visitors spent two months sharing their experiences during summer. The volunteers reported doors opening and closing on their own, chandeliers, and other objects falling to the floor as if someone was throwing them. “While perhaps a little hokey,” Nemetz writes, “it is pleasant to think that maybe Captain Frederick Pabst is still watching over his home.”

